
Never Enough

"Once a week I send out a few recommendations. Things I'm thinking about. Products I love. Articles I'm reading. Twitter accounts to follow." —Andrew Wilkinson

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My new favorite possession: a shotgun.

Hey everyone, If you're new here, welcome to Never Enough, where I brain dump interesting stuff that has been on my mind over the last week. Every time I tweet about AeroPress, I get dozens of responses like this:"When are you going to make a non-plastic version?"Well, we've finally done it. Last week, we released the AeroPress Premium, a gorgeous all metal and glass version and it's phenomenal. I've been testing one for the last month and I absolutely love it. Apparently, the world agrees,...

A beach with a lot of palm trees next to it

Hey everyone, If you're new here, welcome to Never Enough, where I brain dump interesting stuff that has been on my mind over the last week. I get distracted easily. If I’m not careful, I’m easily led down rabbit trails and become unfocused across 20 browser tabs. Oddly, despite being easily distracted, I find that I work best from cafes. I’ve always found the silence of a closed-door office overwhelming. Over the last twenty years, I’ve tried everything from fancy private offices, to buzzy...

a wooden box with a screen

Hey everyone, If you're new here, welcome to Never Enough, where I brain dump interesting stuff that has been on my mind over the last week. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” I’ve always loved this quote by Arthur C. Clarke.Think back to the first time you saw an iPhone or asked ChatGPT a question. It felt like pure, unadulterated magic, didn’t it? If you had traveled back in time and shown someone these technologies, they would probably burn you at the...

Hey everyone, If you're new here, welcome to Never Enough, where I brain dump interesting stuff that has been on my mind over the last week. Never tell, always storytell. A few weeks ago, I invited 80 exceptional people to Victoria for my second annual Interesting People conference. This year, we focused on storytelling. We had Matt Dicks, who has won The Moth an absurd number of times and has the ability to make even the most innocuous story bring tears to any audience’s eyes. Storytelling...

Hey everyone, Ok, I’m sorry. I’m going to be a douche and ask you to do something. I’ve mentioned it a few times, but I wrote a book. It’s called Never Enough and it’s a memoir about building my business over the last twenty years. Going from a barista making $6.50 an hour, to being a billionaire (spoiler: I’m not a billionaire anymore). It was a crazy experience, and it was fun to put it all down in writing. I thought I was going to write a business book, but as I started writing it evolved...

Hey everyone, If you're new here, welcome to Never Enough, where I brain dump interesting stuff that has been on my mind over the last week. Every day, I’d feel the burning. First, the pressure in my stomach would build. Then the right side of my throat would feel like someone had a blow torch to it.It was acid reflux. And I had it almost every day for a decade. It started when I was about 25. Subtle, at first. I could take a Tums, and it would go away. No big deal. But before long, it became...

Hey everyone, If you're new here, welcome to Never Enough, where I brain dump interesting stuff that has been on my mind over the last week. Today's edition is brought to you by Athena*. The last thing I want to do is spend time calling the optometrist to get my latest prescription. Last year, I hired Tina, my Athena assistant, and tasks like this disappeared from view. They just got done, magically, behind the scenes. When Tina stepped in, she took over my inbox and calendar, as well as my...

Hey everyone, If you're new here, welcome to Never Enough, where I brain dump interesting stuff that has been on my mind over the last week. Today's edition is brought to you by Athena*. Have you hired your Athena assistant yet? Why not? What’s your excuse? I’ve been raving about them for weeks. Athena isn’t just an executive assistant agency. It’s your ticket to unmatched efficiency. Their EAs are productivity maestros. Through rigorous training, they become intuitive and proactive, tackling...

Hey everyone, If you're new here, welcome to Never Enough, where I brain dump interesting stuff that has been on my mind over the last week. Today's edition is brought to you by Athena*. Time is money. So why are you wasting it paying parking tickets? Rescheduling coffee meetings? Booking travel? Hell, even managing your inbox? If you're a successful executive, you're nodding along. You know what I'm talking about. We all have a guilty secret: We'd be lost without our executive assistants....

Hey everyone, If you're new here, welcome to Never Enough, where I brain dump interesting stuff that has been on my mind over the last week. Today's edition is brought to you by InsideTracker*. If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re nothing without your team. But your team can’t be effective if they aren’t healthy. InsideTracker has the solution. For 14 years, they've guided individuals to optimal health. Now, they're bringing that expertise to corporate wellness. Boost productivity. Cut...